Leslie's Account
Full version Of Johne Leslie's account of the action is given below. Leslie is a little more straight forward to understand and lacks the flowery language of Pitscottie.
Efter certain monehis, Lenox of the handis, to this end with a chosen armie of mailed men of weir cam to Lithgw. Angus perceyeung his mynd, sendis to Arran and prays him for ald kyndes constantile conformit betuene thame , to meit Lenox at Lithgwe him selfe with he Kingis shortliesa be thair with a gret force weil preparit. Arran in haste was readie, suner nor men beleiuet : and with a great power in Lythquow was presenet of September the third.
Bydeng heir a lytle he sendis to Lenox , and prays him to desist, gif he refuse, he will nocht esteem him his sister sone but his enimie and ennimie to the realme.
Quhairfor he warnis him to respecte his awne well and his honour, and as his freindis in kinde and blude, sa he receyue a friendlie admonitoune :This admonitone Lenox wald nocht heir bot furiouslie ansuered, til Edinburgh he wald cum and ther suld he be or die be the way; Arran thocht this ouer proud a ansuer til his syster sone: quhairfor quhom he culd not lay with wordis, he labouris to stay with swordis:
an nocht bydeng the Kingis cuming with Angus, metis Lenox on the west syd of Lythkwe quhair creullie tha 30k with spear, sword and gunn, gret slauchter, her specialis ar slane Erle of Lenox selfe, and the laird of Houstoun, with many ane Lenox his parte. The rest fled and chaipet. Angus with the King , quhen the field was fochtane, came to Lythquowe, quha lang afor the field had cum, gif the king had not finzet hin selfe seik, and cam out of the Castel of Edr mair with compulsione nor pleasure, and giv his hors had not of sett purpose, bein slaw in the way, The slawness of the Kingis horsmaid George Douglas in sik of furie, that with word and wand the Kingis horse he sharplie drawe out the gait and at last was sa wod that he spairet nocht proud wordis to the Kingis selfe. This iniure the Kings sourlie laid til his charges eftirward and forzhet nocht, quhen he banishet him.